In-person workshops in my studio in Brooklyn, NY!
6:00 PM18:00

In-person workshops in my studio in Brooklyn, NY!

I’m offering two different 3 hour classes on glazing, drawing and glaze techniques out of my studio in Brooklyn. You can either bring your own bisqueware or I can provide some. We will spend three hours glazing, troubleshooting, and practicing the techniques with my studio glazes and material ( and wine, tea and snacks :)

I’ve split the classes into low-fire and mid-range so you can pick either maiolica or midrange glazes to experiment with.

information on class sign-up here

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Strategic Wildness, a class about drawing on and with clay
4:30 PM16:30

Strategic Wildness, a class about drawing on and with clay

It’s back! The only online class I’ll be offering this year! A sort of continuation of the article I wrote for Ceramics Illustrated, Strategic Wildness, we will be exploring ways to get the surfaces that you want on our gorgeous but exacting friend, clay.

Click here for more information :)

4:30pm - 6:30pm March 26th, EST

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Three Hour Demo and Talk and Q&A at Radius art studio in Portland, OR!!
3:00 PM15:00

Three Hour Demo and Talk and Q&A at Radius art studio in Portland, OR!!

THere’s still a few spots left in this three hour demo/talk I’m doing in portland!!

I’m so excited to go over all of the techniques I use in my work and answer as many questions as possible. BONUS: it’s outside!!

here’s the link to snag the last few spots:

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7:00 PM19:00


I get so many people telling me that they are very intimidated by processes in the studio that hold them back from pursuing independent studio work : making glazes, clay reclaim and firing their own pieces for example. I always say that if you can follow a baking recipe, you can make a glaze.

This class is for those of you who want to get deeper into the processes in the ceramic studio but feel a bit intimidated to take the first steps on your own - trust me, if I can do it - you can do it.

I will demo how to reclaim your clay, how to make a glaze and a slip and talk about firing and the different temperatures and give tips in general about how to be an independent clay master of your domain.

*as a note, this is NOT a glaze chemistry class, as I am not a glaze chemist, I just make and tweak glaze recipes and try to make cool things with them. This is about the how to’s of glazing, not the why’s. But that class should happen too, no?

Scholarships always available for BIPOC students and/or anyone who needs this and would be struggling to afford it. discount code: CLAY4ALL makes the class $5. The class will be available as a recording for 4 weeks after the link is sent out - usually around 48 hours after the class.


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7:00 PM19:00


Basically I love all TV shows, podcasts, and advice columns where people write in and ask questions and some sage on the other line answers them. This is a class for those of you who have specific questions about your glazing that you would like addressed! I thought it would be a good way to learn from not just me but each other (i.e. what it’s like in a IN-PERSON studio setting). Your questions will form the body of this class and I will do a bunch of demos for your learning pleasure. *There is an option in the sign up to ask a question specific to your own work :)

Scholarships always available for BIPOC students and/or anyone who needs this and would be struggling to afford it. discount code: CLAY4ALL makes the class $5. The class will be available as a recording for 4 weeks after the link is sent out - usually around 48 hours after the class.


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Drawing on Clay with Clay
6:00 PM18:00

Drawing on Clay with Clay

Oh look, a class about my favourite subject: drawing on clay!

In this class you will be introduced to ways to draw on your clay in the greenware stage (before it has been fired). We will go over sgraffito, coloured slips and ways to apply it, mishima (inlay), water etching, underglaze and terra sigilata. The first two hours will be for tutorials and the last half an hour will be reserved for question and answer time. You will be provided with some recipes to try out and a handout explaining the techniques covered in the class. This class is open to absolutely all levels :)

Where: THE INTERNET When: Monday, April 26th from 6:00-8:30pm EST Why: educational fun

register here

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Drawing on Clay with Glaze (DAY and Evening editions!!)
6:00 PM18:00

Drawing on Clay with Glaze (DAY and Evening editions!!)

Oh look, another class about my favourite subject: drawing on clay! ( with a daytime edition available this time to make it easier for all schedules on our wild planet)

Glazing is by far the thing that people ask me about. It also seems to be the most bewildering part of the process for many people getting into clay. Let me tell you this: glazing will always be a wild ride - sometime a cruel mistress and sometimes a fruitful fruit bat, but this class will give you some techniques to try on her with a bit more confidence.

In this class you will be introduced to ways of drawing on your clay with glaze (after it has been bisque fired). We will talk about glaze application, resist techniques, stains, underglazes and lustres.

The first two hours will be for tutorials and the last half an hour will be reserved for question and answer time. You will be provided with some recipes to try out and a handout explaining the techniques covered in the class. This class is open to absolutely all levels :)

Where: THE INTERNET When: Monday, April 12th from 12:00-2:30pm and/or 6:00 -8:30pm EST Why: educational fun

Register here! / BIPOC students pay 5$ with code CLAY4ALL

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Introduction to Maiolica
6:00 PM18:00

Introduction to Maiolica

Maiolica is my main squeeze when it comes to making drawings on clay. This class will focus on learning about this wonder-glaze and go over all the techniques I use to apply and draw with it on my wares. I’ll go over some of my favorite pieces in historic and contemporary maiolica for reference and share the recipe I use and go over how to make it in your studio.

The first two hours will be for tutorials and the last half an hour will be reserved for question and answer time. You will be provided with some recipes to try out and a handout explaining the techniques covered in the class. This class is open to absolutely all levels :)

Where: THE INTERNET When: Monday, March 15th th from 6:00 -8:30pm EST Why: educational fun

Registration here! / BIPOC students pay 5$ with code CLAY4ALL

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Drawing with Clay on Clay *Daytime Edition*!
3:00 PM15:00

Drawing with Clay on Clay *Daytime Edition*!

Oh look, a class about my favourite subject: drawing on clay! But in the daytime so those of you who wrote from Europe can attend!

In this class you will be introduced to ways to draw on your clay in the greenware stage (before it has been fired). We will go over sgraffito, coloured slips and ways to apply it, mishima (inlay), water etching, underglaze and terra sigilata. The first two hours will be for tutorials and the last half an hour will be reserved for question and answer time. You will be provided with some recipes to try out and a handout explaining the techniques covered in the class. This class is open to absolutely all levels :)

Where: THE INTERNET When: Monday, February 22nd from 12:00pm-2:30pm EST Why: educational fun

*after you register you will receive an email with the link for the class.

register here

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Introduction to clay surfaces (online fundraiser for Summer Skool studio in Vancouver, Canada)
9:30 PM21:30

Introduction to clay surfaces (online fundraiser for Summer Skool studio in Vancouver, Canada)

For many of us, the making of forms comes more easily than approaching the surface treatment. This class will be an introduction to decorative and mark making techniques on clay surfaces. Things covered in the workshop: slip, terra sigilata, underglaze, glaze, stain - what the heck are all these things and how can we use them to get the surfaces we want? There will be time at the end for questions. Link will be emailed after registration!

Register here

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One Night Maiolica Workshop
to Jan 18

One Night Maiolica Workshop

You know all those colourful things that I make? They don’t look good because I make them, they look good because of MAIOLICA!! What the heck is that, you ask? Well, it’s a low fire glaze that I love and will tell you all about, share my techniques and recipes, and let you practice on a piece of bisquware that I throw. You can pick a mug or a plate. If you like drawing, you will love this material.

If you are getting this as a present for someone, let me know and I will send you a little pdf thing to print out and give to your loved one as proof of this love.

When: Friday, January 17th 6:45pm-9:15pm

Where: 703 Hart street in Bushwick

Cost: $75

Work Pick Up: Friday, January 24th at 6:30pm -7:00pm

Sign up goes online on Monday December 15th at 7pm

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Form and Surface Workshop with Melissa Weiss
to Jan 6

Form and Surface Workshop with Melissa Weiss

Hey! It’s my NYC teaching debut with the incredible Melissa Weiss!! Hosted by the wonderful Brooklyn studio Gasworks no less!

As Gasworks says:

This 2 day weekend workshop will cover all things form and surface with two amazing rock star potters.   On the first day Maggie and Melissa will demo and discuss many ways to make forms from Kurinuki to wheel thrown pots.  Extra attention and time will be spent on handles, how to make them and how they relate to the pot.  On day 2, Maggie and Melissa will demo and cover many different types of surface techniques and how they relate to form.  Both days will allow time for participants to thoughtfully practice and work on techniques illustrated by the teachers and get feedback from the teachers.  Form and surface and the tension between the two can make or break a pot.  This workshop is for those who want to increase their awareness of techniques and be more thoughtful of when and how to use them in the dialogue between form and surface.

January 5 + 6, 11a-6p

To sign up click link here: Weeeee!!

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Melissa Weiss Book Launch and Kurinuki Workshop
9:00 PM21:00

Melissa Weiss Book Launch and Kurinuki Workshop

  • Maggie Boyd Ceramics/Molasses Books (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Oh yeah Brooklyn people, Melissa Weiss is coming for the NY launch and signing of her new book, Handbuilt - The Potter’s Guide!!

We’re really thrilled and we are planning a Melissa-filled schedule to celebrate this achievment!

From 6-8pm there will be a small workshop hosted in my studio in Brooklyn in which Melissa will teach students how to carve a kurinuki cup out of a solid block of clay! Go here to sign up!

After that we will be partying in the name of Book Launch from 8-10 and there will be a signing and small sale of our work upstairs at Molasses Books!

See ya there!

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